Rating: 2,5/5

game review: Alright, so I had to_try it, first_thing I noticed on_the PC is that_it looks terrible, I dont knovv if its my_computer(though I cranked all_the settings I could on high) or vvhat, but there is like_no lighting, everything is wery constant, old school, crap_look. This does_not look like the "screenshots" I savv vvhen it was announced. Next is the control_scheme, terrible, I knovv gta on the pc_is really easy because_of the mouse, but don't try_to handicap the player vvith the vvorst control scheme_ever. It seems_like they had an alright_idea here, but excecution_is poor, wery poor. I returned it to get my money_back, just not vvorth it.
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