Numen: Contest of Heroes

4:04 PM

Written By Unknown on Thursday, June 11, 2009 | 4:04 PM


Numen [nyoo-min] - divine power or spirit; a deity, esp. one presiding locally or believed to inhabit a particular object.
As an awkward youth you always felt that there was something greater meant for you. Meant only for you. In your village they never understood, but you always felt the divine hands of the gods resting upon your shoulders, guiding you onwards. Now, finally the time has come to understand what it is that they truly want from you. All the time they watch us mortals, playing games with our fate, yet now it is their fate which rests in the hands of but a few mortal beings.
The gods resting high upon Mount Olympus are beset on all sides by the jealousy of their contemporaries. The conflict has raged for eternity, the egos of each immortal grating against the others, until now there has to be resolution. The gods have each taken it upon themselves to shelter a mortal under their protective wing and guide them to glory. With the strongest of these heroes will come the strongest immortal who will then be crowned the most powerful above all.


  • Numen is a third-person RPG that will plunge the player deep into the amazing world of Greek mythology, the realm of almighty gods, brave heroes, fabulous creatures and great deeds.
  • Featuring an engaging storyline, the game takes the player on a path from a weak, naive youth to a legendary hero who fights in the name of his or her chosen deity.
  • There is a devoted hero for each of the gods, but in the end, only one will prevail.
  • Variety of weapons and combo moves to use and master
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